Please for the Revivus Team as we begin the major part of the planning for Revivus: The Summer Event 2016 There is a lot of planning that goes into this event and we truly covet your prayers! Thank you so much and God bless! In His Service, The Revivus Ministry Team
read moreThe hand drawn picture that you see here is not only amazing because of the artwork, but also because of the person who drew it. The man behind the piece of art is Victor Ortiz. Victor is a wonderful man of God who has recently had Jesus completely transform his life. Victor, like myself, was entangled in the sin of drunkenness, until God got a hold of him. Victor is a part of Ventura County Rescue Mission, which is a Christian based rehab in Southern California. I have been teaching there over the last 9 months and have gotten to know Victor...
read moreHappy New Year from The Revivus Team! We pray that 2016 will be your most fruitful for God’s kingdom! “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” –Ephesians 5:15-16
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